Friday, May 27, 2011

Work Cited

Works Cited
"History of Apple Inc." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 27 May 2011. <>.
"IPod First Generation | IPod History." IPod History - The Complete History of the IPod. Web. 27 May 2011. <>.
"IPod." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 27 May 2011. <>.
"The Story Behind 's Environmental Footprint." Apple. Web. 27 May 2011. <>.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 27 May 2011. <>.

My Final Opinion

I said in my second blog that I was post one last blog about what I though after I had done all of my research and all I was say is WOW. I did not realize what a big impact that Apple has made on our society today. From the invention of the iPod which lead to iTunes which then lead to changing the music history in general. I cam very surprised that one company that has only been around for 25 years has done so much in such a short amount of time. After doing all of my research and finding how green Apple has become and how far they have pushed technology has encouraged me to want a Mac Book Pro even more. I currently own both a Mac and a PC and my PC is ALWAYS failing on my but my Mac has never once done anything to give out on me. I feel ask though Mac has just made everything more simple. Instead of trying to make it so advanced that no one can figure it out, they have made their products simple and easy to use and yet they have allowed their technology to move forward. I feel that all Mac and Apple products are the best to use because they are reliable, easy to use, and are up with the latest and greatest technology. In the beginning I was very iffy on weather or not I was going to find something negative in the Apple world and it would cause me to not like them. But instead doing all of my research and finding all of these positives I have yet to find anything wrong with the Mac programs that I love to use. I have also learned that Apple has donated quite a deal of money to the AIDS foundation. I remember them coming out with an iPod in 2006 that supported the AIDS foundation and some of the proceeds when to Aids research. Which shows Apple is not only changing technology and the envoirment but also trying to help our world become that much more of a better place!  Great job Apple for allowing your consumers to feel save using your products! And to that I salute you.

My Favorite Mac Commericals

I decided to have a little fun with my blog and show you come of my favorite Mac vs PC commericals. I also threw in a few iPhone ones also. I beleive that these commericals have also impacted society because of the idea that the media is telling us what and what not to listen to. By Mac pushing these commericals and showing how much better they are then PC allowing the consumer to beleive it because that is what Apple is telling to to beleive. These are very popular commericals and I know everyone knows about them. See how quickly you start beleiveing the Apple products and see who you end up likeing more in the end. The cool sleek new Mac or the old man wearing a tie PC?

Watching all of these videos personally, makes me want to see my PC computer and buy a mac. haha priceless.

A Litte Bit Greener of a Apple

I was looking on the internet and found a video that inspired my next blog. Please watch the video before reading J.

I never knew until today that Apple was deemed one of the worst environmentally friendly computers of all time so then I began to research into more of this topic and this is what I found. In 2009 Mac decided to go green and began opening a website called This website shows the total carbon foot print that Mac is leaving on the world today with their products. For the past two years, Apple has used a comprehensive life cycle analysis to determine where our greenhouse gas emissions come from. That means adding up the emissions generated from the manufacturing, transportation, use, and recycling of their products, as well as the emissions generated by their facilities. With the new computers designed with less material, shipping in smaller packages, free of many toxic substances, and being as recyclable as possible has created what I like to call as the Green Apple effect. In 2009 Apple was the first company in computer history to release the total weight of greenhouse gases emitted during the manufacturing, delivery, and recycling their products. For the technology industry this was hug. No company had ever released this type of information ever before. The releasing of this information allowed consumers to trust Apple even more then they did before because Apple admitted they had a problem with the greenhouse gas admissions and was taking the proper steps to fix it.

In 2008 Apple admitted to having a carbon footprint of over 10.2 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. By 2009 is was reduced to 9.2 million mertic tons.  By 2010 Apple had lowered lowered the mercury free LEB backlight with arsenic- free display glass. Apple also released the Mac mini which is the world most energy affrication desktop in the world. Apple’s faculties in Ireland, Austin, Sacramento are 100 renewable energy. These steps that Apple has taken from being the worst energy effectiant companies to being one of the top leading energy efficient companies in the world just shows that any company can fix a problem and realize that they  can do it in a positive way without running their image. I would just like to say great job Apple for making out world that much cleaner!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How Many People Own a Mac over a PC

I deicded to run a litte experiment of my own to see which computer people own the most on Facebook. I thought Facebook would be a good place to conduct this survey because there is a very large verity of people who go onto Facebook and everyone has their own interests. I kept the survey up for a couple of days and 100 people responded to the post. Out of the 100 people these are the results that I have come up with. I asked the people on Facebook which computer they own in their household and this is what they voted on:

With more people saying they own a Mac computer and even saying they owned both over the PC computers really suprised me. I would have thought that since PC dominated the market for so long that more people would own a PC over a Mac but I was clearly wrong. I decided to do more research in order to see what other surveys were taken and this is what I found. According to CNN " in 2010 Mac computer sold 88% more then PC computers did" (Mc Mcraken). But why do we think this is? Mac seems to be nominating the technology world because they are good at bringing out the new and shinny things in technology. This is just further showing up how Mac is changing the technology of our world today. If 88% of consumers own a Mac over a PC then what ever Mac comes out with will be the new thing because majority of the population as one. I guess Mac is really talking over the technology sceen today? Right?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How the iPod Changed Everything

On October 23, 2001 apple released the first digital music player into the music world. Before the iPod was invented other music players required a CD or a cassette with a big bulky player attached at the hip. At first, the reactions were confused and hostile; critics lambasted the $400 price tag, the unconventional scroll wheel and the lack of Windows compatibility. Despite all this, the iPod sold beyond everyone's expectations, went on to revolutionize the entire music industry, and the rest is history with the newest generation at 6.5 being released today.
            With first iPod coming out at Apple announced it as a Mac-compatible product with a 5 GB hard drive that put "1,000 songs in your pocket. This smaller music player became the newest in technology. Allowing consumers to be able to listen to any song they wanted without having it skip or being stuck with one artist and with the battery lasting up to 10 hours really allowed the product it become more applying to most consumers. By the fourth generation consumers were allows to hold up to 60 GB of music and were able to store pictures onto the devices’. With the creations on the iPod minis and iTouches allows even more options for most consumers. By 2003 it was almost standard for car makers to create ports in new cars to allow the iPods to be plugged into the car and be able to hook up to the car radio. This virtually allowed people to carry all of their music with the all the time.
            The iPod also lead to the creation of iTunes. Which is an online music store where anyone can buy one song or an album online with out having to go into the stores and buy the actually CD. With iTunes launched it allows people to also buy individual songs instead of the entire albums which increased sales within the music industry. Now that we have the iPod we can carry anything and everything with us at all times. This small little gadget has changed the world weather we like to admit it or not. Look around next time you go to the GYM and see how many people have their little white head phones in while they are running and working out. What about at school? How many kids to you see with one ear bud in their ear listening to their favorite song with the iPods. We will have one and we are the reason why the way we have listen to music has changed so much. Weather is it a good or bad thing it is up to the consumer to say but weather we like it or not music has been technophied. Who would have though that the invention of a little portable deceive would change everything.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Person Opinion on Apple Products

I have decided before I do anymore research on apple products I want to put my own input into what I think about the Apple products. I plan on doing this one more time after I have done more research and see if my opinion changes or not. Well what I have to say about Apple products are they are AMAZING. I have worked with all types of their products in all types of situations and I would have to say they are both reliable and easy to work. When I was in high school I was on my schools production program and we only used Mac based products such as Final Cut and they were very simple and reliable to use. These Mac computers and lap tops were used everyday, multiple times a day and were carried all around with high school students and they still lasted. It was rare that we ever had a computer break down or crash on us while we were working. I also learned that my friends father who works on the Jay Leno Show uses all Mac computers for their productions just like we do and he said they never use PC computers to run important programs because they crash and fail to many times and are deemed un reliable. Which I would have to agree with. I have a Dell lap top and I always find that there is something wrong with it and it is only a year old. I also have an iMac computer which is about 5 or 6 years old and it NEVER fails on me even though it has been though quite a lot of information put on it. Although I can find that Mac’s are a bit pricier then most computers on the market today, I feel you get for what you pay for.
For the new inventions for the iPods and iPhone I fell they are also just has reliable as the computers the Apple produces. They hold massive amounts of songs and photos and never seem to die on you. I think this reliable image that Mac and created for it self is what keeps consumers coming back for more of their products without question. I also feel as though they are the front leaders in the new technology that is being produced today. I believe that because Mac is push the expectations on technology, companies are forced to compete and thus technology just keeps getting better and better. Well that’s my rant about what I think about apple. What about you guys? Does anyone feel the same way I do? I am sure everyone has some form of a Mac or Apple product in their house just has we speak.