I said in my second blog that I was post one last blog about what I though after I had done all of my research and all I was say is WOW. I did not realize what a big impact that Apple has made on our society today. From the invention of the iPod which lead to iTunes which then lead to changing the music history in general. I cam very surprised that one company that has only been around for 25 years has done so much in such a short amount of time. After doing all of my research and finding how green Apple has become and how far they have pushed technology has encouraged me to want a Mac Book Pro even more. I currently own both a Mac and a PC and my PC is ALWAYS failing on my but my Mac has never once done anything to give out on me. I feel ask though Mac has just made everything more simple. Instead of trying to make it so advanced that no one can figure it out, they have made their products simple and easy to use and yet they have allowed their technology to move forward. I feel that all Mac and Apple products are the best to use because they are reliable, easy to use, and are up with the latest and greatest technology. In the beginning I was very iffy on weather or not I was going to find something negative in the Apple world and it would cause me to not like them. But instead doing all of my research and finding all of these positives I have yet to find anything wrong with the Mac programs that I love to use. I have also learned that Apple has donated quite a deal of money to the AIDS foundation. I remember them coming out with an iPod in 2006 that supported the AIDS foundation and some of the proceeds when to Aids research. Which shows Apple is not only changing technology and the envoirment but also trying to help our world become that much more of a better place! Great job Apple for allowing your consumers to feel save using your products! And to that I salute you.
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