Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How the iPod Changed Everything

On October 23, 2001 apple released the first digital music player into the music world. Before the iPod was invented other music players required a CD or a cassette with a big bulky player attached at the hip. At first, the reactions were confused and hostile; critics lambasted the $400 price tag, the unconventional scroll wheel and the lack of Windows compatibility. Despite all this, the iPod sold beyond everyone's expectations, went on to revolutionize the entire music industry, and the rest is history with the newest generation at 6.5 being released today.
            With first iPod coming out at Apple announced it as a Mac-compatible product with a 5 GB hard drive that put "1,000 songs in your pocket. This smaller music player became the newest in technology. Allowing consumers to be able to listen to any song they wanted without having it skip or being stuck with one artist and with the battery lasting up to 10 hours really allowed the product it become more applying to most consumers. By the fourth generation consumers were allows to hold up to 60 GB of music and were able to store pictures onto the devices’. With the creations on the iPod minis and iTouches allows even more options for most consumers. By 2003 it was almost standard for car makers to create ports in new cars to allow the iPods to be plugged into the car and be able to hook up to the car radio. This virtually allowed people to carry all of their music with the all the time.
            The iPod also lead to the creation of iTunes. Which is an online music store where anyone can buy one song or an album online with out having to go into the stores and buy the actually CD. With iTunes launched it allows people to also buy individual songs instead of the entire albums which increased sales within the music industry. Now that we have the iPod we can carry anything and everything with us at all times. This small little gadget has changed the world weather we like to admit it or not. Look around next time you go to the GYM and see how many people have their little white head phones in while they are running and working out. What about at school? How many kids to you see with one ear bud in their ear listening to their favorite song with the iPods. We will have one and we are the reason why the way we have listen to music has changed so much. Weather is it a good or bad thing it is up to the consumer to say but weather we like it or not music has been technophied. Who would have though that the invention of a little portable deceive would change everything.

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